
Wedding-Ready Florals

From personal bouquets to stunning reception florals, our handcrafted designs are available for same-day delivery across NY, LA, OC, SF, and SD.

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Champagne Toast Bridal Bouquet


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First Available: MON 02/10

Pre-Made Wedding Flowers from Local Florists

Here at The Bouqs Co., we make choosing your wedding florals easy so you can put your time and energy into the countless other areas you need to plan for on your most special day. For smaller events, you may want a DIY party box of bulk flowers to create your own bouquets with. Or, you could just be looking for a few bouquets of wedding flowers in a box shipped right to your door. We also have pre-made wedding bouquets that you can order that come straight from one of our amazing local florists!

We have a handful of Bouqs local retail locations across the US, including stores in San Diego, Los Angeles, San Francisco, and Orange County, as well as a distribution center in NYC. If you’re getting married in any of these areas, then you can actually order beautiful, one-of-a-kind pre-made wedding arrangements from our expert florists! Our selection is perfect for any kind of wedding, both big and small, and features bridal bouquets and centerpieces, among other wedding florals. When you need wedding flowers that are sure to amaze, trust our retail partners to provide on your special day.

Pre-Arranged Wedding Bouquets for Any Style

Our pre-made wedding arrangements can complement any style! Choose The Bouqs Co. for your upcoming wedding and pick the bouquets, corsages, boutonnieres, and centerpieces that fit the style you’re going for. We have colorful bouquets as well as understated-yet-extravagant selections that would look fabulous alongside any bride and groom. If you do want a more exclusive offering, or want to work directly with some of our local florists for your upcoming wedding, then you can fill out our Weddings Contact Form to get in touch with our team.